16 finalists have been selected to participate in the Jury Day. We will be able to pitch our project in front of the Selection Committee composed of the core partners of the Better Factory project. During the Jury Day pitching, the best 8 JV’s will be selected to participate in the 16-month Better Factory Knowledge Transfer Program.
Follow us on LinkedIn to stay tuned and keep your fingers crossed for us!
Better Factory brings together key actors in the European technology, art and innovation landscape to provide an integrated innovation framework and a European network to deliver a standardized solution for Manufacturing SMEs to invent and manufacture new and personalized products and create services around them.
The consortium coordinated by VTT (Finland), includes 28 partners from 18 European countries representing the Arts ecosystem – Competence centres- (INOVA, GLUON and WAAG); Technology competence centres (Fraunhofer IPA, AIMEN, Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana, Slovakia National Centre of Robotic, INESCTEC, Cyprus University of Technology); Industrial clusters (Transylvanian Furniture Cluster, Slovenian Tool and Die Development Centre, Latvian Federation of Food Companies / Food Products Quality Cluster, CLUTEX ‐ Klastr Technicke Textilie, Bydgoszcz Industrial Cluster, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Pécs‐Baranya, ICT Cluster and University of Oulu); Technology suppliers (INFOTECH, Top Data Science, Holonix, GESTALT Robotics and European Dynamics); Art supplier (In4Art); Business developer (Hermia Yrityskehitys Oy); Open Call management (FundingBox); Legal framework (time.lex); and Communication and Dissemination (Mobile World Capital Barcelona).